
See what others say about Chris Mullins and the Intake Academy

A different sort of thank you

Prior to this line of work, I’ve done other freelance work as a writer. I built and sold a grocery savings blog several years ago. I’ve written copy for other industries including green tech and finance. My degree is in English/Creative Writing.

Basically, I had NO prior law experience. I was coming at it completely fresh. Over the last few years, I’ve spent a lot of time analyzing injury law websites and here’s what I’ve noticed. Most of them use extensive “legalese.” They do not “speak” to prospective clients. I have had a hunch this is all wrong.

So I’ve taken a completely different approach. I use plain, easy to understand language to break down complex legal ideas. I work to keep the reading level around 4th-6th grade. Lots of white space, bullet points.

But more than that, I try to imagine an actual injured victim on the other side of the computer screen. How would I speak to them? Somehow through all this process, I’ve found your intake sessions through Pilmma. Though I’m not a true “intake specialist,” I want to tell you how much I thoroughly enjoy your teaching. In a roundabout way, your coaching has helped my writing. I work to weave empathy, sales language, and call to action (even that “big red bow!”) throughout the copy. I find myself gravitating to statements such as “we’re so glad you’ve found our page today” and “we help people just like you everyday” and “we know you’ve got questions. We’d love to help answer them.” etc. etc.

In a way, perhaps I do help our intake process. The words on our site may well be the first interaction anyone has with our firm. It occurred to me today that you might appreciate hearing how your teaching has helped people beyond intake specialists. The calls you share have helped me consider the very real people that could be finding and reading our website on any given day.

Thank you warmly for what you do!

– Attorney John Fisher

In personal injury law, the intake specialist is crucial to my success. But when I was faced with the challenging task of starting my new law practice, I was tempted to take the easy way out by hiring a receptionist who I was reliable and would show up on time, but didn’t have the key qualities of compassion and understanding that are key for this position and conversion. Fortunately, I was lucky to speak with Chris Mullins before I made the mistake of hiring the person who wasn’t quite right for the position. Chris Mullins helped me find the right receptionist for my law practice and Chris and team scheduled repeated follow up phone calls with me to make sure I didn’t take the easy way out. Chris showed a real concern that I follow the right processes in hiring a receptionist and I now feel that I am on the right track to making a good hire. This will be the first step in building my law practice.

I could not be more appreciative for the time with Chris to help me find the right person for my case intake specialist. If you need advice hiring the right person for your phone calls, you could not do better than Chris Mullins The Phone Sales Doctor at the Intake Academy.

– Attorney John Fisher, John H. Fisher, P.C.

– Attorney Scott Monge

Chris, thank you for a great class today. I especially liked how you focused on gratitude and empathy. I like how you reminded everyone in a straightforward manner that they should view calls with gratitude because the phone ringing in the reason they have a job while at same time talking about importance of being empathic, caring and concerned to callers. Also, great quote about gazelle and lion really ended things on a high note. Appreciate your sharing your high voltage positive bottom line energy with class. You set just the right tone and did great job of reminding folks of need to differentiate!

Thank You!

– Attorney Scott Monge, Accident and Disability Attorneys of Monge & Associates

– Erica Lobo

Erica Lobo at the Law Offices of Bill LaTour says she learned that they need to speak to the prospective clients with “love.” She writes, “It is not what we are saying to them, it is how we are saying it. Here is how I plan to apply it, by making them feel welcomed to our office and feel the love and by switching up the tone of my voice. She adds… “I learned that whether you let some down in the beginning of a call, or let them down at the end of a call, they are going to be disappointed and/or upset. I plan to apply this by continuing with the screening that is already in place and just trying to be understanding and expect that they will be upset and/or disappointed.”

– Erica Lobo at the Law Offices of Bill LaTour

– Tom Foster

Chris Mullins is great at getting a team together and calling businesses to check on their phone answering, email and contact form responding so that business owners can improve their intake process and increase conversions. “Inspect what you Expect” – this sums up what Chris Mullins does very nicely and she does it well.

I personally have worked with Chris Mullins and her team to provide “secret shopper” services for one of our most successful law firms. We provide marketing consultation and services for them and called on Chris to help us evaluate the search patterns of visitors to our clients’ website. We also asked her to provide detailed reporting on usability and the user experience so we could make improvements to conversion and lead generation. It was not an easy campaign to implement, but we did it and Chris and her team provided more then I had asked with fantastic, detailed reporting. We ended up implementing much of what was learned from these reports, which increased conversion substantially. The client was thrilled and ended up hiring Chris to support them even more resulting in a happy ending for everyone.

I could not recommend Chris Mullins and her team more for services. Chris provides a great product and is very easy and fun to work with. She met all our deadlines and, as I said, went further then was expected. I could not be happier.

– Tom Foster – CEO, Foster Web Marketing

– Attorney Ben Glass

I’ve been paying attention to Chris Mullins and recommending her Intake programs for years but it wasn’t until she spoke at our 2013 Great Legal Marketing Summit that I had the opportunity to see her do a live presentation. Chris spoke to a roomful of lawyers, most of whom thought “well, I don’t have phone problems in my office. By the end of her talk she had them calling their offices “just to check in on how the phone were really being answered.If your business involves teaching business owners how to answer the phones, you need to book Chris for your next event.

I recently hired Chris Mullins to ghost call my own firm, just to make sure my phones were actually being answerd the way I thought they should be answered. The process of working with Chris to get the calls done was painless…the follow up call with Chris where we “dissected” the calls was somewhat painful. Turns out we had more training to do.

Chris to the rescue. Her system makes it easy for any lawyer (or business owner) to easily get their staff not only trained once but reinforced on that training frequently. I highly recommend the Intake Academy.

– Attorney Ben Glass, Benjamin W. Glass, III & Assoc. PC

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